Monday, June 30, 2014

Ken's Birthday Party & Kermesse

We celebrated Kennedy's fifth birthday last week--so hard to believe!  She really wanted to have a big birthday party, so we went for it and let her invite as many friends to her party as she wanted (English speaking or not...what was I thinking?!?!)

It was everything she had hoped for--loud, chaotic, full of giggling, running, squealing little friends to play dress-up with.  Dress-up is definitely the universal language of five-year-old girls.  They spent the entire party running all over the house in their undies and plastic high heels, trying to find a new princess dress, cheerleading uniform or flamenco dancer costume to try on, and then they would trade dresses, accessories or shoes.  So funny!  

I wish I had gotten more pictures, but here's Juliette, one of Ken's best friends.  I love watching them play.  Kennedy talks and talks to her as if she can understand, and Juliette politely looks at her until she's done and then they both erupt into giggles!

This weekend was Kermesse--the big end of the school year party for Massillon.  It was awesome!  One of the most fun nights we've had so far.  Each class did a dance.

Ken's class did a Hawaiian dance...

Emory's class dance was adorable, but I can't remember what the theme was supposed to be...

Baylor's class did a surfing dance.  Clearly he's really into it.  Ha! 

After the dances there was a barbecue, and lots of time for the kids to dance onstage together, play soccer and just hang out.  It was a great way to wrap up the school year.  Only two days left!

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